The Fall
The Berlin Project at Flamboyan
by Anita Kirpalani & Saviana Stanescu
Director: Simon Hanukai
Scenic Design: Josh Lacovelli
Lighting Design: David Bengali
Puppet Designer: Kathleen Doyle
Costume Design: Ricky Lurie
The Fall follows Doru Popescu, a young rebel with a noble cause: a world without walls. When the Berlin Wall comes down, and the mother of his newborn daughter dies, Doru is launched into a world of fatherhood, responsibility and the promise of freedom. Surviving the bloody regime of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and the fall of the Iron Curtain, Doru becomes a journalist, open-heartedly voicing his poetic ideals.
Through word, movement and video, the piece weaves together Doru's story, his struggle to connect with his daughter, and his plight against the "wall-builders" - a pair of fantastical administrators on a mission to slice up the world by building a multitude of new walls.