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Life Could Be A Dream

"Ricky Lurie's costume design is "very 50's", from an assortment of frilly skirts for Lois and matching suits for the group, to humorous (perhaps unintended) homage to bowling teams of the era.“ 

-Tony Curulla Syracuse Times


"Sarah Treanor (as Lois) does look like an angel, which one of the guys calls her.   Costume designer Ricky Lurie really played up this woman's part well with her gorgeous dresses..."

-Katie Keyser, The Cortland Standard 


Nana's Naughty Knickers

"-Kudos to costume designer Ricky Lurie, who had a Herculean task to do for a show like this..."

-Bryan Van Campen, 


“…and sticklers for detail will note the careful attention paid by costumer Ricky Lurie to the nuance of the tartan.”

-Chris Jones, Chicago Tribune


“Kudos also to Ricky Lurie’s completely convincing Scottish/folk/18th century costumes, accurate to the occasion and even to the clan.”

- Lawrence Bommer,


“And Ricky Lurie’s costumes cover the full spectrum of tartan plaids.”

-Heddy Weiss, Chicago Suntimes


“ It's a colorful swirling of skirts on the lads and lassies.  The kilts add to the whimsical spectacle by costume designer Ricky Lurie.  All different varieties of tartan are sashed and skirted to identify family clans.  The traditional attire emphasizes the authentic native look.”

-Katy Walsh



Love of the Nightingale

“But let's talk about that fabulous surface. If nothing else, director and lighting designer James Palmer and his first-rate design team (including William Anderson on sets and Ricky Lurie on costumes) have conjured up a strange steam-punk universe of mannequins and dystopian violence.”

-Nina Metz, Chicago Tribune


“The dream team of designers Palmer amassed has concocted a marvelous world. Ricky Lurie’s modern-dress costumes are stunning, reveling in the uncanny style Palmer has set out. The suits and dresses are bright and colorful, contrasting sharply with the terrifying depths the play plunges towards.”

-Barry Eitel,




“…directed by Scott Ferguson and presented in association with Deeply Rooted Dance Theatre, that boasts clever costumes, imaginative lighting, solid dancing, strong lead vocals, and truly impressive choral singing.”

Albert Williams, Chicago Reader


“…no reduction of the elements we expect of its genre—soaring harmonies in a variety of contemporary styles, athletic Afrocentric dances, women wearing Ricky Lurie's dazzling period-inspired frocks and men wearing sweaty bare chests.”

Mary Shen Barnidge Windy City Times



The Body Snatchers

“I liked its occasional forays into self-referential humor and the snappy mid-century design aesthetic, including Ricky Lurie's sharp and witty costumes.”

- Nina Metz, Chicago Tribune


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